Is it Too Late to Have a Yard Sale in Grand Junction?
It's December 4 and the temperature in Grand Junction is a cozy 33 degrees. We have a 70% chance of rain tonight. Is this a good time to have a yard sale?
My house is knee-deep in crap. I have dozens of storage tubs loaded up and ready to go for a yard sale. Each of these tubs has a sign on it reading "Yard Sale 2020." That's the plan, to have a big yard sale in the spring of 2020.
One problem - I have to climb over this stuff for another five months. Is it possible to have a yard sale in early December? How about mid-December? Perhaps, in this case, the proper term would be Garage Sale. A 70% chance of rain puts the kibosh on an outdoor event.
Between you and me, I have absolutely no use for garage sales. My mother lived for them. As a matter of fact, probably 90% of the stuff I'm wanting to sell at this garage sale is stuff my mom acquired at other garage sales. When she died, I inherited these treasures.
Looking at The Nickel, there are two-yard sales this weekend in Grand Junction. Take a glance at Craigslist, and you'll see two estate sales. Okay, so obviously they do happen. Will they be successful? A neighbor had a yard sale about two weeks ago, and it seemed to do okay. I have no desire to spend the entire weekend in the garage hoping somebody comes by.

What's the cut-off date for a yard/garage sale in this town? Again, the yard sale I saw two weeks ago was "somewhat" successful, but it had a certain "aura of death" about it. Given the ample supply of the stuff, it probably should have been busier.
So, I ask, what is the cutoff date for a garage sale in Western Colorado? It may be wise to leave the aforementioned crap in the storage tubs until April. Then again, if it's at all possible to move this stuff, mid-December may work. Help me out.