I Will Be The First In Line To Buy A Bear Resistant Trash Can
So in Colorado Springs, they have adopted a new ordinance for some residents. The new ordinance will require some Colorado Springs residences west of I-25 to invest in bear-resistant trash cans or a trash curfew meaning you cannot set your trash out before 5 am on trash days.
I have had the problem for a long time with the bears. If you live on the outskirts of town where it is not densely populated there is a chance you could get bear activity. I can not even count the numerous times I have had to go pick up my trash after a bear had gone through it foraging for food. I then decided I would not even put the trash out until early in the morning and set the trash can on my porch and a bear came on my porch and got into it. I will be more than happy to invest in a bear-proof trash can.