How to View a Grand Junction Radio Station’s ‘Public File’
This Friday is "Freedom of Information Day." Celebrate this milestone in American rights by viewing your favorite radio station's "Public File." How do you go about doing this?
According to the website Holiday Insights, "March 16th is the birth date of James Madison, the 4th president of the United States of America. James Madison is recognized as the "Father of the Constitution", and the chief author of the "Bill of Rights". Freedom of information and individual rights was very important to James Madison."
Did you know radio stations are required by the FCC to maintain a Public File? This is where we keep track of public service announcements and topics discussed on air.
Let's say you send a letter or a card to a radio station. That is kept in a public file as well. When it comes to keeping a record of public service announcements, that is now down digitally. As a matter of fact, for the last few years, this has been entirely via Internet.
What if you would like to take a look at that information? You are more than welcome to come down to the studio at 315 Kennedy Avenue in Grand Junction and do so. We have a computer set aside for the public to come in and view, or even print, our public files. You'll be surrounded by a handful of radio weirdos, but they're pretty harmless.
When it comes to letters or literature sent to the studio, we store those physical items in a series of file cabinets.
Exercise your right to information. To date, I can't think of one occasion where anyone has come in to use the computer and access our information. In a perfect world, it would be great if you were to contact us in advance to let us know you would like to look at the files. We could make arrangements to have an engineer on site to help you navigate your way through the computer.