How Stressed Was Colorado in 2020 Compared to the Nation?
Let's be clear, everyone was stressed last year.
Did you feel a little stressed last year? We all did. Now, maybe we didn't all stress out about the same things, but there was definitely anxiety and uneasiness throughout the year. And as all of us were encouraged to keep ourselves physically healthy, maintaining a healthy mental state was also a big piece of the puzzle. That, in and of itself, was also a major stressor.
A recent survey conducted by Natrol Relaxia, and herbal supplement, found that 72 percent of Americans felt that 2020 was the most stressful year of their lives.
That same survey also ranked each state based on how often they stressed and for how long each day. They found that Missouri stressed the most, clocking in at an average of three hours and 17 minutes a day. Rounding out the top three were Mississippi at number two with three hours and 12 minutes a day and West Virginia at number three with three hours and six minutes a day.
So where does Colorado fall on this list?
Well, it's not entirely easy to tell because there are a lot of states that are tied for several spots. For instance, Georgia, Louisiana and Vermont all tied for the fourth spot on the list. If we lump them into the number four ranking, that would put Colorado at number five on the list in a six-way tie with Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Indiana, and Kentucky. After that 12 states tied for sixth, 10 states tied for seventh, five for eighth, seven states are even for the ninth spot, and two for 10th. Finally Nebraska comes in at number 11 and Iowa at number 12 to round up the list.
To simplify, I'd say we're in the top half of the stressed list, but definitely not the most stressed.