How Far Does $100 Go in Colorado Compared to Other States?
Believe it or not, in the state of Colorado, $100 will get you almost $100 worth of goods and services. A Washington D.C. think tank group put together a map indicating the true value of $100 based on a national average. Where does Colorado rank?
The website Don't Waste Your Money shared a map put together by The Tax Foundation, a group studying U.S. tax policies on the federal and state levels, indicating the value of $100 in each state.
For what it's worth, while $100 in Colorado is really only worth $96.90, we're doing a lot better than California or Hawaii. The bad news is, even though we come close to hitting it on the nose, Colorado comes in #40 in the nation.
Where can you get the most bang for your buck? Pack your bags and set a course for Mississippi. In that state, a crisp, clean one-hundred dollar bill is really worth $116.01.
Which state tops the roster on the Wall of Shame? Hawaii comes in last with one-hundred dollars showing a true value of $84.18. I've been to Hawaii, and I can honestly tell you, it's not hard to believe this figure.
By now you are aware of the high cost of living in Colorado. While we weren't ranked the lowest in the nation, we did come in pretty low. It's interesting that our closest financial neighbors are located on opposite coasts. You have #40 Colorado located near the center of the continental United State, with #39 Virginia on the east coast and #41 Washington state on the west coast.
When you look at the map, it's kind of a mess. One states proximity to another appears to have no bearing on the value of the dollar. Oh well, pick your state.