Hey, Parrot Heads, No Tailgating at the Jimmy Buffett Concert!
It may be disappointing to Colorado Parrot Heads, but tailgating is not going to be allowed at this week's Jimmy Buffett/Eagles concert at Coors Field.
Thursday's concert in Denver featuring the Eagles and Jimmy Buffett will be the biggest concert of the year in Colorado. Tens of thousands of fans of all ages will fill Coors Field for a night they'll never forget. For others, they'll be hoping they do remember it the morning after.
It's not uncommon to see tailgaters partying down before a Jimmy Buffett concert. In fact, troprockin.com actually features a Jimmy Buffett tailgating guide with the top 10 must-haves for a Jimmy Buffett tailgate party. The number one item on the list- the alcoholic beverage of your choice.
The problem is that Coors Field does not allow tailgating in any of its Rockies' operated parking lots. It is clearly stated on their website. Of course, that won't stop Parrot Heads from finding another way to party, like hosting tailgate parties in some independent lots farther away from the stadium.
There are likely to be plenty of pre-concert parties, at least some of which are likely to be private, so, no doubt, plenty of alcohol will be consumed before- as well as during the show.
Of course, smoking is not allowed at Coors Field, and the smoking or consumption of marijuana in any form in all areas of Coors Field is strictly prohibited. However, it seems highly unlikely that Parrot Heads will be deterred from finding a way to consume. There will be plenty of consumers and non-consumers alike.
But, here's the deal. If you want to do any Jimmy Buffett tailgating, you're going to have to get creative. Just keep in mind, as much as you're paying for your ticket, the last thing you want is to not remember anything about the concert - or worse yet, get hauled off to jail before the concert even begins.
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