Group Trying to Stop Facial Recognition Tech in Denver
A group calling themselves "5280 Not 1984" is attempting to keep facial recognition technology from being implemented and used in Denver.
The reference to 1984, the George Orwell novel is because of the technology used in the book. In the book, people are constantly monitored and it's one reason the group is against the technology.
The biggest issue the group has with facial recognition technology is that it is not 100% foolproof. Studies done by Stanford and MIT claim the technology has a gender and racial bias and could misidentify someone.

The group is trying to get enough signatures on their petition to keep the city from using it in any capacity. They have until May 2020 to get 8,265 signatures.
They are not, however, looking to have personal security systems for homes like Ring. Nor would the ban extend to businesses using the technology to keep their companies secure.
It's just something the group feels the government shouldn't have.
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