Grand Junction To Become Home To The BLM?
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently announced they will ask Congress for $60 million to move to the west.
One of the places mentioned as a possible home in Grand Junction.
Boise, Idaho, Tucson, Arizona, and Salt Lake City Utah are also mentioned as possible landing spots for the agency's headquarters.
The possibility has been discussed since the end of former President Obama's last term and the thinking around BLM headquarters echoed what Senator Cory Gardener had mentioned to the former head of the BLM:
“I think you’d make better decisions if you’d just move your headquarters out west where the land is. Don’t you?”
The BLM chief agreed and now the studies will begin to determine where the headquarters will end up.
City leaders and the Department of the Interior have met already concerning the proposed headquarters and officials have already come to Grand Junction to tour the area.
Having the Bureau of Land Management located in Grand Junction, or anywhere out west just makes more sense, as this is the area they are charged with taking care of.
Grand Junction officials feel they have put their best foot forward and now it's just a wait and see proposition.