This Grand Junction Sign is a ‘Sign of the Times’
This fascinating sign on display at a Grand Junction chain restaurant caught my attention last Friday night (May 21, 2021). This message is starting to pop up right a left.
As you've probably noticed, many businesses are running at a fraction of their normal staff. More signs such as this could be appearing soon around the valley.

Where Was This?
This message was on display at Denny's on Horizon Drive in Grand Junction. I believe this was my first visit to this restaurant since the pandemic. While the service appeared to be normal, looking back, the place did appear to be short on staff.
Word on the street is many business owners and managers are having an extremely difficult time recalling their employees as business gravitates back to normal. While this problem affects many businesses, it seems the foodservice industry is one of the hardest hit.
More Common Than You May Know
One of the hats I wear at the studio is that of "Production Director." In other words, I make the commercials you hear on the radio. Looking back over the last 30 days, I would make a conservative estimate and say that better than 75% of the commercials I've made have been "Help Wanted" ads.
Over my 25-plus years in the business, I can recall fewer than ten occasions when I've made a "Now Hiring" commercial for radio. Put simply, it just doesn't happen under normal circumstances.
Fast forward to May 2021, and I'm producing four or five "Help Wanted" ads every day. In the last week numerous "Now Hiring" commercials have been made for McDonald's, various medical facilities, several locally-owned restaurants, trucking companies, and plumbing services. Last Friday alone I built six commercials for a local outpatient medical facility.
It Could Be Worse
Living in Grand Junction in the early 1980s, I can remember when everyone was out of work. A convenience store in the Fruitvale area was hiring for a part-time clerk position, and what appeared to be a line of 75 people or more showed up to apply.
Let's Be Nice
Like the sign says, please be understanding when visiting a local business. We've all been through economic rough waters, and in the wake, a shortage of staff. New businesses are opening and established businesses are chugging along as best they can. Those returning to work are doing their best to keep this engine running.
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