Things We Have a Love-Hate Relationship With in Grand Junction
We definitely love Grand Junction. There isn't a more awesome place to live. BUT! There are a few things we've grown to hate about our lovely town. Albeit, petty, we need to get these off our chest.
Cost of Living
Maybe it's the price we must pay to live in a beautiful landscape, but do we need to cut off our arms and legs just to live in a small apartment. Just give us a refrigerator box and we'll be all set.
The average commute time in Grand Junction is around 17 minutes. But those are the worst 17 minutes of your day. Add in the stop lights that last for just a few seconds or take eons to change and you have a mixture for an aneurysm.
The weather isn't all bad. We enjoy a few months out of the year where we're not melting from the extreme heat or breaking icicles from our noses. Is it too much to ask for a little rain now and again? There isn't enough moisturizer available to cure our cracked skin.
The Occasional Haze
Either the West Coast is burning or Mother Nature decided we need a bone-chilling inversion. The nasty haze that loves to hang over our valley blocks the gorgeous sun and makes for a killer allergy season.
Yes, we love that you're staying healthy while using an alternative mode of transportation, kudos. But, for the love of God, please be a little safer. Follow traffic laws, use stop signs and hand signals. Plus, those big 3,000+ pound vehicles have a harder time stopping than you do. We'll keep our eyes on you, as long as you keep your eyes on us.
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