Grand Junction, Greeley To Protest Oil And Gas Legislation
Coloradans unhappy with the bill making its way through the Colorado Legislature are meeting in Greeley and Grand Junction today to express their displeasure with the bill.
SB 181 calls for more control in local jurisdictions concerning oil and gas drilling. Oil and gas proponents say it will severely limit the industry and could cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs over the next ten years if it passes.
The Grand Junction rally is Friday morning at Ute Water,2190 H 1/4 Road at 11:30 A.M. The idea behind the rally is to show support for the oil and gas industry and express dismay at the bill, which has already passed in the Colorado Senate.
Changing the overall makeup of the Oil and Gas Commission in Colorado to include fewer from the industry and more members familiar with public health and the environment means there will be fewer and fewer places to drill and fewer opportunities for employment in the state.
If you wish to show your support for the oil and gas industry, head out to Ute Water Friday morning.