Grand Junction Celebrates Most Awesome Holiday Ever – Hoodie Hoo Day
What is going on out there? Why are people around Western Colorado acting like this? Today, February 20, is the most awesome holiday ever, and you don't even have to buy anything. Are you ready to celebrate?
Check out the video at top. That's KEKB's Jack Taylor in action. He is demonstrating the proper technique when celebrating 'Hoodie Hoo Day.' That was noon today. Yes, noon has come and gone. If you missed your cue, you can still make good. Hey, some people celebrate Christmas as early as the night before.
Put simply, "Hoodie Hoo Day" is the one day of the year when everybody is supposed to go out at noon, wave their hands over their head, and yell "Hoodie Hoo"!
This holiday is primarily observed in the Northern Hemisphere, whereby February 20, everybody is sick of Winter. We didn't have a winter in Western Colorado, so we'll have to celebrate something else.