Chickens Lead GJPD on One Cluckin’ Funny Chase
What was up with all the Grand Junction Police Department dispatch officers running around 6th and Ute this morning (February 15)? Had a crime occurred? Here, once and for all, the real reason why the chickens crossed the road.
Did you see all of the police activity early this morning? This was an example of Jaywalking gone awry. It seems the GJPD dispatchers were hot on the case of runaway chickens. In this instance, though, it was one of the dispatcher's chickens. What were they doing at the police station? Via their official Facebook page, the GJPD explains:
'Those are my chickens!' As we all stared at her, dumbfounded, she explained that something has killed a couple of the chickens in their coop recently, so the survivors are refusing to go back in there and have, instead, been roosting on the springs of their truck. Her husband had chased them off before she left for work, but he must have missed a couple that hitched a ride to the office! - GJPD via Facebook
The good news is this wasn't a major crime going down. The bad news is.... chickens are very hard to catch.
Thankfully, it seems this was among the more exciting things to happen this morning in Grand Junction. Take the good news when you can get it.