GJ Forestry Department Planting 150 Trees Around Town
Living in Western Colorado is a real privilege, it is beautiful here and there is so much to do. But hearing things like this make you love the area even more as the Grand Junction Forestry Department is working on a new project to plant 150 new trees in parks and along neighborhood streets.
To make things even better many of the 150 trees that are being planted were produced by using a newly constructed aquaponic tree production bed. The aquaponics bed was made possible through a $1,500 grant from the Colorado Tree Coalition. The total cost for the system was approximately $9,000. This new process is helping to save lots of money from the usual tree planting cost.
If you live within the city limits and would like to request a tree and can commit to watering the tree you can make that request by emailing forestry@gjcity.org
In a release made this week by the city manager's office, it was interesting to find out that there are more than 37,000 street and park trees maintained by Grand Junction Parks and Recreation. While I knew there were a lot, I had no idea there were that many trees.
The Forestry Division in Grand Junction also prunes, removes, and takes care of all trees as they continue to grow in our area for all of us to enjoy. There are lots of cities and towns across the country that can't afford to pay for this kind of upkeep and beautification, this is fantastic news that we all get to enjoy as we drive around Grand Junction.