Fruita Approves Lease Arrangement for Cable Wakeboarding Park
Lookout Fruita, Imondi Wake Zone, a cable wakeboarding park, is expected to open next spring near I-70. This would be a first not only for the region but for the state of Colorado. First question: What exactly is a cable wakeboarding park?
Check out the video at the top. Oh, okay, that makes a little more sense. This new park coming to Fruita would operate on a 30-acre city-owned lake near Fruita's Greenway Industrial Park.
According to The Daily Sentinel, Fruita's city council unanimously approved a lease agreement with the Imondi family last Tuesday night. Victor Imondi says, "It allows people to enjoy water sports without the need for a boat." For those of us without boats, this is good news.
How exactly does the cable work? Apparently, it pulls people, up to seven at a time, in a counterclockwise path. Along the way, wakeboarders can jump over obstacles and ride rails.
Will this new park commandeer the entire lake? No. A seven-acre section will remain open to the public for swimmers.
Is this new park going to be a flash in the pan? Not hardly. The Imondis received a 15-year lease. How much will this set them back? Their rent for the first year will be exactly one dollar. From there, rent goes up to $5,000. It will then increase 3% annually.
Aside from the rent, how hard is this going to hit them in the wallet? The couple plan to invest close to $1 million into the park and pro shop. Will this result in new jobs? They plan to fill 15 job positions.
The next time the temperature in Western Colorado hits the 100 mark, you'll know where to go and what to do. Looking at the video, this doesn't necessarily appear to be something where you instantly hit the ground running. On the other hand, learning to this would be half the fun.