Five Reasons to Participate In Grand Junction Gym’s ‘Monumental’ Liftoff
Are you busy? Have you felt a burning desire to compete in a powerlifting competition? Who hasn't? There's one coming to Grand Junction, and it's a huge, "monumental" event.
Grand Junction's very own Monument Fitness is hosting the first "Monument Fitness Monumental Lift Off" powerlifting event. It's coming up Saturday, September 1, so you better start training now.
Over the years, I've rounded up friends and jumped in the truck to drive to Denver or Greeley for weightlifting events. They're fun to watch, and more fun to compete in. Those days are long behind me. Fortunately, there's an event coming to the valley. No more having to drive over the mountain to see a weightlifting event.
With the Monumental Lift Off, there are three weight classes for men and women. Events include:
- Bench Press
- Squat
- Deadlift
You can enter one category, or all three. Trophies will be awarded in all categories, not to mention a trophy for the competitor with the most "overall" weight lifted.
Costs to compete are:
- Monument Fitness members: $10 per class, or $20 for full event
- Non-members: $15 per class, or $30 for full event
Should you compete in this? Maybe. Should you make an effort to train to compete in this? Definitely. Here are my top five reasons why.
- Weightlifting events don't roll around very often in Grand Junction
- Every weightlifter had to start sometime. Why not give it a shot?
- Even if you don't compete, training to do so might be the push you need to get started
- You'll be surrounded by people with the same objective
- This might open the door to your next adventure
Make a point to attend. Why not compete? Okay, September is only two months away. That may be, but again, every weightlifter, whether they were a competitor or just a casual lifter looking to get in shape, had to start somewhere.