There are some people who just don't care what others think, but most of us want to be liked by others, and here's five easy ways to make yourself more likeable.

The readers of Reddit were asked what tips they could give to make yourself more likeable - and here's what they came up with.

Keep in mind, there is a clear difference between being a people-pleaser and being someone who is genuinely likeable.


  • 1

    Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

    Don't be afraid to make a joke about yourself, or to laugh when someone else makes a joke about you. Everybody knows that nobody is perfect, so why pretend to be? For one thing, nobody's expecting perfection from you --and secondly, the truth is they don't care that if you are perfect or not.

  • 2

    Ask People Questions

    People generally like to talk about themselves, and they really appreciate someone taking an interest in something they have done or sad. So asking questions will endear yourself to them --as long as you truly listen to what they say. Just let them talk.

  • 3

    Don't Give Advice Unless Asked

    When someone starts telling you about a problem, there is a natural inclination to want to solve the problem for them and offer a solution. Resist that urge. They may just need to vent - so wait for them to ask for advice before you give it.

  • 4

    Don't Interrupt People

    Interrupting people to throw your two cents in is rude, and it's a real turn off for others. It sends a message that you don't really care what the other person is saying, and that you aren't really listening. If you do NEED to interrupt them to interject your thought, at least go back to them and give them a chance to finish. Apologize for interrupting them, and then ask them to please continue sharing their thought.

  • 5

    Do Favors For People

    You have to know when to say no, but doing favors for others will go a long ways toward making yourself more likeable. Remember, it's not just the act of kindness, it's the spirit with which you do it that will be impactful. You might also "return the favor" by asking them to do something for you. It shows that you trust them.

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