Remember the YouTube videos of the Cinnamon Challenge we showed you a few weeks back where someone tries to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon, and usually ends up gagging and crying? Well according to a new study if you inhale the cinnamon, it might cause LUNG DISEASE like emphysema!

In case you missed it doctors are once again warning about the Cinnamon Challenge that's making it's way around YouTube as the new trend!

A new study has found an increasing number of calls to poison control centers about the Cinnamon Challenge because kids can can experience severe coughing fits, choking, or catch pneumonia from the game!

The study also says cinnamon is made up of cellulose fibers that don't dissolve or biodegrade, and swallowing too much of it can lead to lesions, scarring, and inflammation of the airways and lungs!

And if that's not enough to keep you from doing it, other effects may include a chronic lung disease called progressive pulmonary fibrosis and doctors are especially concerned about the effects on kids with asthma, pulmonary cystic fibrosis, chronic lung disease or a hypersensitivity to the spice.

So take a tip from Nancy Regan and, "Just say NO!"

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