Female Country artists Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, Jennifer Nettles, and Terri Clark have taken exception to a statement from a radio consultant suggesting Women do not play a critical role when it comes to Country music airplay. Do you feel women are being overlooked by Country radio?

Radio consultant Keith Hill recently made a statement regarding women in Country, a statement now being referred to by some as "Saladgate." According to HIll, "If you want to make ratings in Country radio, take females out."

The scandal begins with an article in the radio industry publication Country Aircheck. According to Keith Hill, radio is a "principally male format." Hill amplified with a statement comparing men and women in Country to the "lettuce" and "tomatos" in a salad, hence the moniker, "Saladgate":

They're just not the lettuce in our salad. The lettuce is Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton, Keith Urban and artists like that. The tomatoes of our salad are the females." - Keith Hill

Several female Country artists, including Miranda Lambert and Jennifer Nettles, have responded:

That is the biggest bunch of BULL*** I've ever heard." - Miranda Lambert

"Don't worry babe. I see an opportunity here. A big ole vagina shaped opportunity. #yesisaidvagina #trynotttofaint" - Jennifer Nettles via Twitter

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