Disney Announces ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Force Friday Details
We‘ve still got months to go until Star Wars: The Last Jedi takes over cineplexes, but the people are hungry. By this time last year, we had already gotten our first teaser for Rogue One, and the barbarians are pounding on the gates demanding fresh material.
Sure, Lucasfilm could placate their more rabid fans by pulling back the curtain on one of the new toy lines that will accompany the December release, but that’s thinking small, and Lucasfilm doesn’t do small. You want to see the new toys? Well tough tauntauns, because all you’re getting today is a look at the box they’re coming in. Here is that box:
This morning, Disney and Lucasfilm sent out a press release with the image above as part of the announcement of Force Friday II, when The Last Jedi toys, collectibles, books, and Underoos all go on sale. The madness begins at 12:01AM on September 1, 2017. We may not know what specific product will be available, but we now have a very clear idea of what the packaging that will be promptly thrown away is going to look like. Heroes Poe Dameron, Rey and Finn emblazon the top flap of this photo of an empty box, so they’ll almost definitely be in the movie, that much is certain.
That box will presumably be filled at some point in the future, both with new toys and, in a more figurative sense, fresh information. But for now, literally and metaphorically, it remains an empty box.