Denver Dog Fed Meat Over Fence Laced With Fishing Hooks
A dog in Denver was fed meat over a fence with fishing hooks hidden inside of the meat. Thankfully the Colorado dog, Sasha, is okay and doesn't require surgery.
We'll never understand why anyone would want to hurt any animal for absolutely no reason. A dog was fed meat flanks with fishing hooking inside of them in Englewood over the weekend.

The poor husky was found with hooks in her snout by her owner on Saturday, June 20, according to the Denver Channel. Sasha's owner does not own fishing gear and found the hooks after her dog came inside from the backyard. Her owner also found chunks of meat in her dog's teeth.
According to the Denver Channel, while they were on the way for a check-up at a local humane society, the hooks dislodged from Sasha's snout. Thankfully, Sasha is okay and no longer needs surgery.
Sasha's owner says that her backyard is supposed to be her dog's safe haven and it hurts knowing that someone tried to hurt an animal. Unfortunately, this isn't the only instance of people trying to harm animals in Colorado. According to the Denver Channel, Englewood residents have said that poisoned fish has been tossed in their yards with their dogs.
The Englewood Police Department hopes to catch who is doing this and remind everyone to check your hard and to lock it up to help protect your animals.
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