Denver Boy Sells Lemonade to Take Mom On Date After Dad Died
6-year-old Brady Campbell made his dying father a promise and he fulfilled it.
Brandon Campbell, Brady's dad died of colon cancer and Brady, obviously, a young man of his word, opened the lemonade stand to take his mom on a date.
As the young man said:
My dad and I came up with the idea of a lemonade stand to take my mom on a date because I didn't have enough money and I wanted to pay, so I did it.
Don't you just love this kid?
On his first day, Brady raised $244. A neighbor started a Go-Fund-Me page that raised over $8,400 for the Brandon Campbell Memorial Fund at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus.
First responders came and supported the young man as well, giving everyone that good feeling you get when you can help someone like Brady.
As for their date, Brady says his mom likes sushi and they can have ice cream for dessert.
His mom is now looking forward to carrying on the Friday date night tradition her and her husband used to enjoy with her son.
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