Country Jam With One of Our Listeners Not Afraid To Be Different
I loved going to Country Jam and meeting people from all over the states. I met people from Grand Junction, Denver, the entire state of Colorado and also met people from Utah, California, Washington. One person I talked to had been to every one of the Jams here in Grand Junction.
People are beautiful and we do not have to conform to what most people think is beautiful. Many people try and stereotype a person because they look or act a certain way. Different is beautiful, I thought this woman shown in the pictures exudes confidence.
She has more confidence than I do, I don't want to leave my house without putting on makeup. If I get to be 10lbs overweight I'm worried about how I will look in my clothes. I think many women wish they could do what this woman did.
There are going to be haters but I think if you love yourself you don't really care what other people think.