How to Survive Four Days of Country Jam
Are you heading out for the four days of country awesomeness? We have everything you need to know in order to survive Country Jam right here! Some of you may be veterans, some of you may never have been. Here's a list of things to take with you so you're prepared to have the best time possible at Country Jam!
Definitely, Need-Take it from the veterans these items will make it more enjoyable.
- Sunscreen
- Frozen Water Bottles (water can be purchased on site)
- Shade (a good hat will keep the sun off your face)
- Chairs/Blanket
- Comfy Shoes
- Change of clothes for you and kids (it gets cold at night)
- Squirt bottles (help you stay cool)
- Bug Spray
- Basic 1st Aid Kit: Band-Aids, ASPIRIN, Allergy Medication, Antacid
- Sunglasses
- Ear plugs for the kids
- Hand Sanitizer/Wipes 1
- KEKB Gear (if we stop you in the crowd, you could win prizes!)
No No's - items that they will take at the gates or ask you to return to your vehicle.
- Coolers
- Glass Containers
- Weapons
- Food or Drink
Other Great Tips
- Drink LOTS of water
- Plan ahead. Arrive one hour before the act you want to see! It takes some time to get through traffic, parked and to the concert site.
On our Facebook post, Anna Lasley says to bring,
Towels to cover your chair. .If you have reserved or vip those plastic chairs burn after a while in the sun. .. even the vinyl camp chairs get pretty warm!
Angie Jones Boldt says,
Another thing that could be important to bring is an extra set of glasses or contacts - it would suck to be all the way in Mack and not be able to see anything
And Beth made the BEST suggestion!!
Got an item we missed, suggest it below!
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