Leading Causes of Deaths in Colorado So Far in 2023
When you take a closer look at the top ten causes of death in the state of Colorado, it reveals a few interesting things. Thankfully the leading cause of death isn't something like bear attacks or tumbling down 14er mountains.
The latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the leading causes of death in Colorado was released at the end of 2021. See the death rate and the total number of deaths for each of the leading causes in the gallery below.
Colorado's Leading Cause Of Death
Talk of grizzly bears, avalanches, and UFO sightings may cause one to think that Colorado's list of the leading causes of death might be rather adventurous. It's really not. Eating right, staying active, having good mental health, and not smoking will all help you avoid the majority of the causes on Colorado's deadly list.
Does Covid 19 Show Up In The Top 10?
It does. COVID-19 appears at number three on Colorado's list of the leading causes of death. The CDC reports that 5,299 Colorado residents died from Covid-19 in 2021. Lower Respiratory Diseases also factored into 2,306 deaths in Colorado.
Total Deaths in Colorado
When combined, Colorado's ten leading causes of death were tied to a total of 35,955 deaths. By comparison, Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment reported 48,284 total deaths in total in the state at the end of 2021. This means only 12,329 deaths during the year 2021 were caused by something other than the CDC's ten leading causes found below.
Leading Causes of Deaths in Colorado So Far in 2023
Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams
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Gallery Credit: Wes Adams