Watch This Colorado Squirrel Open an Easter Egg Full of Nuts
Easter was yesterday, April 4, and Coloradans celebrated in lots of different ways. This squirrel celebrated Easter by opening her very own Easter egg. Watch this adorable Colorado squirrel open an Easter egg full of nuts.
Easter festivities took place all across Colorado yesterday from brunch and lunches to going to church, to Easter egg hunts. We knew we had to share this particular Easter celebration because it's just so precious.

This Colorado squirrel celebrated Easter with an Easter egg hunt. Watch Dorothy the Colorado squirrel open her very own bright pink Easter egg below. You can see how excited she gets when she finds the Easter egg and immediately pulls it towards her.
Watch the squirrel then spin the Easter egg around while trying to figure out how to get to the goodies on the inside. The sounds she makes while trying to open the Easter are just the cutest, which you can hear below. Dorothy the Colorado squirrel drops the Easter egg, which then pops open, and she's delighted when she finds out what's inside.
She sniffs the goodies inside of the egg, reaches in, and grabs herself a peanut. Once the Colorado squirrel cracks one of the peanuts open, she takes off, leaving the remaining peanuts behind. We're assuming that she was overcome with excitement and eventually returned for the remaining contents of her Easter egg.
This video might just be the cutest video of an Easter egg we've ever seen. We hope that watching the video below of a Colorado squirrel opening an Easter egg full of nuts will make you smile.
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