Can Colorado Reclaim Past Glory With Kid’s Mullet Championships?
The deadline to register is rapidly approaching for the 2022 Kids Mullet Championship. Do you remember two years ago when a 7-year-old from Colorado brought home the bronze in this competition?
It's up to us to ensure Colorado reclaims past glory in 2022. Do you know a child under the age of 18 sporting a wicked mullet?

Colorado Brings Home the Bronze In Kids Mullet Competition
I was just two years ago Colorado had reason to celebrate when a seven-year-old named Jude took third place in the 2020 USA Mullet Championships, This young man obliterated the competition with his wicked combination of the business-up-front-party-in-the-back, combined with a rainbow of colors, recognized as the Modern Mullet.
Deadline Rapidly Approaching For The 2022 Kids Competition
The USA Mullet Championships webpage reads, "The tradition lives on! We’re celebrating America’s Mullets with the official USA Mullet Champs Kid’s Division." Registration is underway for the 2022 competition, but the deadline to register is close at hand.
A few requirements to consider before registering:
- Contestants must be age 18 or younger
- No wigs or extensions are allowed.
Registration and Voting Deadlines 2022
If you or someone you know would like to compete, these are the deadlines to be observed:
- Registration deadline - July 4, 2022
- Voting: First Round on Facebook - July 18 through 24, 2022
- Voting: Final Top 25 Kids ages one to twelve - TBD (via website)
- Voting: Final Top 10 Teens ages 13 to 18 - TBD (via website)
Competitors in the Kids division must have permission of a parent or guardian to enter. The registration fee is $10, half of which will be donated to charity.
Why Colorado Should Go For The Gold In This Prestigious Competition
The National Mullet Championships webpage sums it up nicely:
Long before it was popularized by actors and rock stars in the 1980’s, the Mullet has been traced back to warriors in Ancient Greece. Today mullet style and mullet culture is back, bro’, and in a big way. Think you’ve got what it takes to ride the wave to Mullet Fame? Enter today and find out.