If you had to pick one highway in Colorado that you think is the scariest/sketchiest to drive, which one would you select? What makes it so scary?

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For some, it's the elevation, and for others, it's the extra-sharp hairpin turns or the lack of guard rails. Learn more about the six highways Coloradans consider most frightening in the photo gallery below.

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Colorado's Southern Passage

Most Dangerous Highways
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One of Colorado's most frightening highways is also one of the longest in the state at 490 Miles. Highway 160 is also known as the "Southern Passage" across the state, which includes a trip over Wolf Creek Pass at 10,856 feet. Watching a semi-truck drive down Wolf Creek Pass is scary. Driving down it with a semi-truck behind you is probably terrifying. This stretch of Highway 160 has a history of trucks experiencing braking failure on the steep declines, and several runaway incidents.

Drive Carefully in the Mountains

Most Dangerous Highways in Colorado
Canva Pro

State Highway 82 is one of the shortest highways in the state at 85 miles in length. In 2020 and 2021, State Highway 82 saw more than 350 crashes. Poor weather conditions and high traffic volume combine to make this one of Colorado's most frightening roads.

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Drive Safe and Sober

El Paso, Adams, Jefferson, Weld, and Larimer counties handed out the most impaired driving citations in 2023. This makes I-25 one of Colorado's most frightening highways to travel as well.

Check the gallery below to see which Colorado highways are ranked the scariest.

High Anxiety: The Six Most Frightening Highways in Colorado

Several of Colorado's highways have a reputation for steep grades, high elevations, and challenging driving conditions. Learn more about six of Colorado's most dangerous highways that often leave out-of-state drivers ready to take the next exit.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: 20 Things You Should Never Do When Driving in Colorado

Colorado and I-70 are home to some pretty crazy motorists. While Colorado may not be the state with the most reckless drivers or accidents, there are plenty of things people do on the roads that drive us all nuts. Sound off on things you see Colorado drivers doing that would upset anybody.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

LOOK: 10 Essential Tips for Navigating Colorado’s Snowy Highways Like A Pro

Coloradans know that crossing the mountains during the winter takes careful planning and even packing to make sure you reach your destination safely. What is your pro tip for navigating Colorado's highways in the snow? Open our station app and submit.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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