Six Reasons Your Licence Plates Could Get You Pulled Over in Colorado
Colorado is about to open up for the summer season and that means all the mountain passes and scenic byways will be yours to enjoy now that the winter snows have melted away.
Of course, driving in Colorado means you need to pay attention to a few rules to avoid being pulled over and possibly given a ticket. One of the easiest ways you can avoid being pulled over is to make sure your license plates are displayed properly. Scroll on to learn six ways your Colorado license plates could get you a ticket this summer with some help from the Colorado Driver's Handbook.
Colorado is a Two Plate State
One of the first things to double-check is that your car is displaying both a front and rear license plate. While cars, trucks, and SUVs must display both plates, motorcycles, and trailers need only display one. Missing a front or rear plate means a good chance of getting pulled over for a warning or a possible violation.
Make Sure Both Colorado Plates are Attached
Have you ever come up behind someone on the roadway and can see their rear license plate hanging from one bolt? License plates that are not properly attached to the plate holder can get you pulled over in Colorado for a warning or violation.
Colorado Plates Must Be Illuminated at Night
Before heading out on a road trip here in Colorado, it's a good idea to make sure your license plates can be seen at night. The tiny light bulbs that allow others to see your plates at night need to be working or you could get pulled over for a warning or a violation in Colorado.
License Plate Frames in Colorado
Yes, you are allowed to have a license plate frame in Colorado, but that frame can not cover any of the essential information that needs to be displayed. Plate numbers and stickers should all still be clearly visible.
License Plate Covers
Living close to mud, dirt, or sand is pretty common on the Western Slope so you may be tempted to purchase a license plate cover. In Colorado, the state's revised code reads, "A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with a cover over their license plates that distorts visibility, changes plate color appearance, or is tinted, scratched, or otherwise prevents the plate from easily being read.
Colorado Plates Must Be Kept Clean
If the back roads are bogging up you'll want to make sure to clean that mud off your license plates before hitting the road. Snow is something else that can cover a license plate and could result in being pulled over for a warning or a violation.