Check Out These Fun Colorado Questions Asked on Episodes of Jeopardy!
It's always fun when you know the answers to a ton of questions that come up during an episode of Jeopardy. It's even more fun when the answers are about your state or even the town you live in.
Test Your Colorado Knowledge with Questions from Jeopardy!
While some of the answers to these questions are simply 'Colorado', we also dug up some fun ones from the Jeopardy! archives. We even found a 'Daily Double' question about Grand Junction.

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We guarantee that flipping through the question and answer photos below that this round will be the easiest game of Jeopardy you have ever played as most of the answers will be from our own backyard.
How Many Colorado Jeopardy Questions Can You Answer?
We're flipping through a photo gallery of Colorado questions that have all been used during episodes of Jeopardy!
A To Z: Famous People That Lived in Colorado
Colorado has been home to many famous people. From actors to politicians, and athletes to snowstorms. These are the famous beings who are from Colorado, from "A" to "Z".
HIstoric Photos of Life Around Grand Junction
Bob Grand photos from Grand Junction's past. People enjoying their lives as they go about their daily routine.
Travel Back in Time and Visit These Historic Places Around Colorado's Mesa County
Enjoy a tour through Grand Junction as we check out the listings of historical places throughout Mesa County.
More From 99.9 KEKB - Grand Junction's Favorite Country