6 Reasons Drivers Flash Their Headlights at You in Colorado
Automobiles have been equipped with ways to capture the attention of others almost since they were first introduced. From car horns in the early 1900s, to the first high-beam headlights of the 1920s, drivers have been using both devices to communicate with other motorists for over a century.
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While a loud long blast of a car horn pretty much conveys one message as you drive on I-70 in the Centennial State, flashing your headlights can mean many things. Keep reading to learn six different reasons we might be flashing our headlights in Colorado.

Giving Other Drivers a 'Heads Up'
Have you ever slowed down in time to avoid a speeding ticket because another driver got your attention by flashing their headlights before you came upon a speed trap? What other ways do people use their headlights to communicate with other drivers? Open our station app and tap the message button to share your answer.
Read More: The Future Of Traffic Lights In Colorado: Adding A White Signal
Which One Is More Polite?
Sometimes a car horn can have the same effect as a middle finger. We don't always want that to be the message, do we? Maybe some of us do. When I see someone texting on their phone at a stoplight and the light turns green, flashing my brights usually gets their attention just as effectively as honking my horn does.
Let's take a closer look at six ways Colorado drivers use headlights to communicate on main roads and back roads alike in the gallery below.
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Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan
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Gallery Credit: Wes Adams
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