When Will Colorado Celebrate the Fall Color Change?
It's almost time to start watching for the burst of fall colors to show up throughout Colorado as we put the summer months in the rearview mirror and get ready to enjoy fall and all things pumpkin-spice.
Being new to Colorado, I can't wait to see the fall colors take hold. Growing up in the midwest where it snows from October 1st to Mother's Day, fall is nowhere near as dynamic as it is in the Rocky Mountain west so I'm excited for the show to start.
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The 2021 Fall Color Change is Coming
This fall we may see things start popping earlier than usual. It's been so dry across parts of Western Colorado and the drought has been hard on our trees. The stress of the summer may cause the leaves to change just a little sooner in areas like Grand Mesa, Steamboat, the San Juan Mountains, or even in Aspen.
Colorado's Fall Color Change Timeline
The gallery below will show which parts of the state will start to see fall colors, and how that color change will spread across the state. Areas like Rocky Mountain National Park and Pikes Peak will probably stay on more of a normal schedule as the drought conditions in those areas are much closer to normal than the dry Western half of the state.
When Will Colorado See Fall Color Changes 2021
It's been a very hot and dry summer in Western Colorado. The good news is that this means the fall color change may arrive just a tad earlier than last year. Here's a look at when the colors will start to pop.
The Most Scenic Fall Color Drives in Colorado
We're approaching peak fall color season in Colorado. Now is the time to pack up the car, and hit the road on one of Colorado's scenic highways.
We'll take you all over the state and through quaint little mountain towns on your fall color drive journey.
Visit One of Palisade's Oldest Peach Orchards
Some of the very first fruit trees planted in the valley date back to the Clark Family Orchards in Palisade, Colorado.
How Many Colorado Jeopardy Questions Can You Answer?
We're flipping through a photo gallery of Colorado questions that have all been used during episodes of Jeopardy!