Watch a Ticked-Off Colorado Elk Challenge All of the Vehicles
Generally speaking, it's always a good idea to keep your distance from wildlife. This is especially true of elk who this time of year are particularly aggressive. One big elk in Colorado recently proved that point by challenging all of the vehicles everywhere.

This is just in. No matter where you are now, this elk considers it HIS territory. While no specific location was given on the video share, I know this is Colorado (likely Estes Park...just look at the license plates). Watch this big boy throw down on everyone and everything. I confirmed this as one of the Denver TV stations also shared this video.
As Visit Estes Park mentions, this is elk rutting time right now. Mid-September through mid-October, it's elk and more elk. A few weeks ago, someone in Estes Park shared the beginning of the rut with the bulls marking their territory (meaning everywhere).
The vehicles should have known better. It's not like they really did anything wrong. They simply...existed which is all the bulls need to consider them a challenger and that's a battle they're not likely to win anytime soon (and we wouldn't want it any other way).
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