Colorado Doctor Fired For Seeking End Of Life Options For Patient
A doctor in Golden, Colo. has been terminated for looking at end of life options for a terminally ill cancer patient.
Dr. Barbara Morris was terminated five days after suing her employer, Centura Health in order to make clear whether or not Colorado's End of Life Options Act keeps physicians from assisting patients at any end of life decisions.
The physician wants to help her patient who has stage four cancer by offering to write a prescription to help him with the decision to end his life rather than continue to suffer in front of his family.
Dr. Morris, however, knew her employer would not be supportive of the decision, so the lawsuit was filed.
In its termination letter to Dr. Morris, the organization stated it: "is a Christian religious organization" and "suicide and euthanasia are never morally acceptable options."
Centura's argument seems to be that, because they are a Christian organization, the law doesn't apply to them.
The lawsuit seeks to clarify that.
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