12 Colorado Candy Shops Ready to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Where are the candy lovers these days? If you ask the folks at Instacart, the state ordering the most candy in America is our neighbor next door, Utah. Here in Colorado, we love candy too, but we don't purchase it online nearly as often as our neighbors.
Colorado is loaded with candy shops creating homemade candies, ice cream, and even specialty throwback sodas. Scroll on to find twelve candy shops ready to provide the sugar rush you crave this summer. We've got candy shops from Grand Junction to Denver in the gallery below.
Where is Colorado's Largest Candy Store?
Hammonds Candy Factory in Denver is absolutely one of the biggest and best in the state. Established in 1920, Hammonds is now in a 35,000-square-foot facility offering 30-minute tours to about 50 guests at a time. When you visit be sure to check out the 'Oops Room'. Candy that comes out imperfect or with flaws can be purchased at a reduced price. I wonder if the people at Snickers sell the bars that accidentally had raisins fall in them?
Colorado's Long-Lost Favorite Candy
Brecht Candy used to be a famous company in Colorado but they are no longer around. Perhaps Enstrom and Hammonds are the two largest candy makers that have stayed around the longest. Colorado is the original home of one of America's favorite hard candies, the Jolly Rancher. When introduced they came with an outrageous guarantee, "Jolly Rancher is the only candy guaranteed to be positively superior to any other you have ever eaten." The candy was made in Colorado from the 1950s to the early 2000s. They are now produced in Canada.
Tell Us Your Favorite Colorado Candy Shop
Do you have a favorite candy store in Colorado? Who is it and what do they sell? You can tell us about them by recording an audio message with our station app and sending it in.
Let's check out 12 great candy shops in Colorado that are still going strong today.