The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office Explains What Is Colorado’s 9 PM Routine?
The Mesa County Sheriff's Office is offering Grand Junction a new routine for 2022.
It's a chance to take three simple steps in the new year to protect your home and your property from theft and burglary. The best part is the steps are simple and easy to do and they all add up to some welcomed peace of mind.
Take Steps to Protect Your Property in Colorado
Don't wait for an incident to take steps to protect yourself. I can remember when my home in the midwest was broken into in the middle of the day. The crooks smashed in the back door and ran off with most of the electronics in my entertainment center. The creepiest part was watching the police dust for fingerprints and seeing that the crooks had been handling almost everything in that corner of the room.
Protect Your Home and Property in Colorado with the 9 O'Clock Routine
The end of 2021 saw a large spike in thefts of property in Colorado, especially in terms of personal items stolen from vehicles. Begin the new year with an easy-to-remember plan for protecting your property at home or in your vehicle.
Check Out These Tips from the Mesa County Sheriff's Office for a Safer 2022
The 9 PM Routine means setting an alarm on your phone for 9 pm and then walking through a nightly checklist that will help protect your car, the house, and your loved ones sleeping inside.