Cody Carlson Sits Down with Trent Harmon at Country Jam
I had so much fun at Country Jam last night where Trent Harmon put on an awesome performance with high energy. Trent Harmon the last winner of the original American Idol on Fox. He won the show back in 2016.
Trent just released a brand new album three weeks ago called "You Got Em All".
Trent talked to me about the love of his life and the fact that she broke his heart that inspired the song "You Got Em All". Trent still loves the girl he wrote the song about and hopes to work it out with her. She is currently teaching English in Thailand and he is starting a new tour, but he hopes to be able to work things out. He says” He Loves her and they talk all the time he “doesn’t want anyone else". He said they are trying to work things out with their schedules.
So I asked him a few rapid fire questions:
1. What was the first concert you ever attended; Match Box 20, Sugar Ray and American High Five.
2. What was your first job? The first job worked at his parent's restaurant starting at 10 years old.
3. First celebrity crush? Cameron Diaz in the Mask.