Celebrating Tattoo Day
Yes, we have a tattoo day and now tattoos are a work of art with TV shows and artists competing and trying to outdo one another. Remember the day when people used an ink pen and a needle and gave themselves a tattoo. Some did not turn out so well.
I remember my sixth-grade boyfriend put my initials on his arm CC. It was not very pretty. I got a tattoo when I was 19 years old by a professional who was not very good, my cross ended up looking like a star so I had to have that fixed with lighting bolt and a cloud. It looks better. Still, others had way worse experiences than that.
What does your tattoo look like? Was it a good experience for you or do you regret getting a tattoo? My best friend in high school gave herself a tattoo, bad idea; you could not really tell what it was. She ended up having it removed which they can do now.
Why did you get a tattoo?