CDOT Launches Survey On Marijuana Impaired Driving
In an effort to try and educate the public on the dangers of impaired driving, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is looking for input.
Marijuana use and safe driving have been the subject of conversation since Colorado made recreational cannabis use legal. And getting the right message out about it is what is at the heart of the survey.
Whether you use it or not, CDOT wants your input to try and put together messages that encourage those who do to not drive once they have used it. Disturbing to CDOT, and others are the thought that one can "get high" then go out and drive, not seeing the inherent dangers associated with it.
Colorado State Patrol reported 629 fatalities on the roads last year, many attributed to impaired driving. The survey is part of CDOT's Cannabis Conversation, aimed at traffic safety across Colorado.
If you would like to take the survey, click here.