Bizarre + Unsettling Things Found in this Burned Colorado Store
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Also, be warned that some extremely creepy and perhaps unsettling stuff is on the way.
A pair of urban explorers stumbled upon an old building in an undisclosed location in Colorado that had fallen victim to a fire. The walls were charred, but the door was open, and the things that survived the fire just may give you chills.
Urban Explorers Stumble Upon Bizarre Building in Colorado

The pair found this vacant building with boarded-up windows and a bunch of random junk on the porch and decided to take a look inside. It's unclear whether or not they regret that decision, but they may.
Inside they found what appeared to be an old store that had caught fire. In this old store were countless portraits, books, and what appeared to be artifacts from various different indigenous cultures.
After finding strange things in the store, the pair headed upstairs to the top level which, at one time, served as a living space and possibly strange activities.
A shower chair was found in the upstairs bathroom, as well as numerous small, open-faced rooms, one of which appeared to have been the setting for what the explorers believe was some sort of voodoo.
At the end of the hall a very small, very odd makeshift bedroom was found with more portraits on the walls, as well as one wall with a giant hole in it.
Please, do not attempt to visit this place in person, and be warned that what you're about to see may be considered a bit unsettling to some.