‘Brilliant’ Thieves Took Overhead Projector from Clifton School
This has to be one of the most ridiculous crime stories ever, it seems like the type of story you would hear out of Florida. But unfortunately, these two are going to be the butt of many jokes to come as this story continues to gain popularity online.
The Mesa County Sheriffs Office is reporting that the two knuckleheads shown above in the photo decided it would be a great idea to break into Rocky Mountain Elementary School around 3:40 a.m. early Monday morning. The only thing more intelligent than their plan to break into a school was the fact that they wanted to steal an overhead projector.
No, they don't want computers or any other electronics they decided on an overhead projector. While the overhead projectors used in classrooms are much nicer than the ones we used back in the day, these are tagged with school district identifying marks all over it so it will be very easy to notice if someone has the now stolen projector.
It's always ironic to me when I see photos like this attached to a theft case. Either of the individuals shown in the photos could get a minimum wage job and work less than one week to pay for the projector they want but instead, they are going to put their freedom in jeopardy so they can steal one from a school. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Regardless, if you know anything about the missing projector or can identify the suspects in the photos please reach out to Investigator Martin at 244-3267.

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