Where to Go Bird Watching In Grand Junction
Bird watching can be a lot of fun if you know where to go and what to look for.
In Grand Junction there are many places you can go to see all types of birds, so we thought we would share them with you so the next time you go, you know not only where to go, but what to look for.
This is always a good place to start. On their website, they have a ton of information for the new as well as the experienced bird watcher. Areas identified by the Audubon Society include:
Over 200 species of birds have been identified here, including waterfowl, shorebirds and more. Known as a "migrant trap", you will also find several species spending their winters here.
The landscape here offers a diverse area for birds to nest, as well as offering birdwatchers many different types of landscape to view the birds in and around. With all bird watching areas, patience is key.
This corridor extends from the Debeque area past Fruita and includes many distinct areas such as The Palisade High School Outdoor Science Park, Fruita Riverfront Park and more. Nearly 75% of the bird species in the state find areas along this corridor to nest, or just rest. Nearly 300 species of birds have been identified here.
8 miles northeast of the town of Gateway is where you will find this area. This is by far the richest area of birds found anywhere in Colorado. A large area allows for a large number of birds to rest or nest here, and the area lists 24 distinct bird species, but has started to see some change as a result of, among other things, increased recreation visits.
Types of birds seen
It's a pretty extensive list including the Cackling Goose, Yellow Billed Loon, Magnificent Frigatebird, Mississippi Kite and more.
Visit the Grand Valley Audubon Society for more information and suggestions on how you can safely (for you and the birds) view them without disturbing them. Get your binoculars out and get ready to enjoy the time you spend looking for and identifying the beautiful birds we have in our state.
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