Baby Elephant Runs Roughshod in Human Home
Moyo the elephant thinks it's Moyo the tiny house cat.
The 14-month-old pachyderm was taken in by Zimbabwe's Wild Is Life sanctuary after it nearly drowned as a baby while crossing a river with its herd.
Well, Moyo has taken the phrase "make yourself at home" to the extreme, treating interior parts of the facility like it is made to handle an elephant, when it is clearly not. You see, Moyo follows Wild Is Life founder Roxy Danckwerts everywhere. And we mean EVERYWHERE -- including Danckwerts' home.
Moyo knocks over plants, sits on couches, opens doors, eats off tables, knocks over glasses and, most memorably, pees on the floor (at least she's not as destructive as her comrade here). She's basically the houseguest you don't want. Yup, we'd say Moyo's future with Airbnb looks decidedly grim.
It's a good thing she's cute because if she was a teenage girl who left this kind of mess in her house, her parents would most definitely ground her.
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