As a kid, Val's family moved every four to six years, stopping in the shadow of major market radio stations across the country. From Chicago to Detroit, Philly to LA, Val fell in love with radio – the music and on-air personalities creating the familiar soundtrack of my new address, helping me navigate new schools, new friends, and a new life. When Val was invited to become part of Sierra Vista’s on-air family, she felt she was finally home. With the nomadic life behind her. She's lived in Cochise County longer than anywhere else and she loves it. With great hiking, amazing friends, and a deep connection to the local music scene, Sierra Vista is not only where she raised her family, but where her roots have finally been set. In a rare moment of downtime, you’ll find Val curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee, her two rescue lab-pit mixes snuggled up close by. Sharing music and radio with Sierra Vista is her passion and she enjoys every moment.
Are These the Worst Small Towns in Arizona?
Do you live in one of these towns? The populations are small, but so are the opportunities. These may be the worst places to live in Arizona.
Who Owns the Fence Between 2 Houses, According to Arizona Law?
Determining who pays for damage or the cost of rebuilding a crumbling fence in Arizona might not be as straightforward as you might think. Learn what your rights are and who pays when a fence is broken,
Don’t Park in Front of My House! What’s the Law in Arizona?
It's a crowded street, your neighbor's having a party and there's nowhere else to park. Is it legal to park your car in front of your neighbor's house in Arizona?
The Top 5 States Moving to Arizona. Does #1 Make Sense?
READ: These are the top 5 states where people are pulling up stakes and moving to Arizona. Does #1 make sense?
Don’t Get Bitten: This Tiny, Painful Bug is in Arizona
If you're bitten by this tiny, painful bug in Arizona, it could cause serious consequences. Here's how you can stay safe from bites this summer.
Can You Legally Go 10 Miles Over the Speed Limit in Arizona?
READ: How fast is too fast? At what speed can an officer legally pull you over and write you a speeding ticket?
5 Places You’re Not Allowed to Take Photos in Arizona
We love using our devices to take photos and video. But there are some places you're not allowed to capture the moment - here are five.
The Weirdest, Wackiest Town Names in Arizona
We're all familiar with the legendary town of Tombstone. But Tombstone seems like a rather mundane moniker compared to these Arizona towns. How'd these places get such odd names?
Why are People in Arizona are Putting Cotton Balls Around their Cars?
Keeping your car in tip-top shape can be hard enough in the harsh Arizona desert. But there's one more thing you need to worry about in Arizona. Here's how to save money before it's too late.
It’s Illegal to Name Your Baby Any of These 11 Names in Arizona
What's in a name? A lot more than you might think! In the state of Arizona, there are certain names that are illegal to use. Here's a list of 11 names you can't name a baby in Arizona.