Emma Stefansky

‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Sequels Held Up By George Miller-Warner Bros. Lawsuit
Warner Bros. insists the movie came in way over budget. Miller claims that’s not the case.

Kevin Smith Survived a Massive Heart Attack on Sunday
Kevin Smith is recovering from a “massive heart attack” he suffered while performing two standup comedy shows on Sunday night.

You Can Now Stay at ‘Friday the 13th’s Camp Crystal Lake
This spring’s Friday the 13th, why not stay overnight at the famous deadly campground?

2017’s Movie Theater Ticket Sales Were the Lowest Since 1992
It’s harder and harder for theaters to entice audiences into showing up. In 2017, it showed.

All Three of 2017’s Top Films Were Led by Women
We haven’t seen a year like this since 1958.

The ‘Solo’ Movie Will Likely Feature the Famed Kessel Run
We can expect to see a lot of Han Solo’s past played out in the movie — especially that game of dice with which he wins the Millennium Falcon.

‘Jumanji’ Almost Had a Much Darker Alternate Ending
Someone almost got stuck, Alan Parrish style.

‘Die Hard’ Cut the Scene That Explains Its One Major Plot Hole
How did John McClane know that Hans Gruber was one of the terrorists when they’d only just met?

George Lucas Thinks ‘The Last Jedi‘ Is ‘Beautifully Made’
Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi has gotten high praise from The Man himself.

Denis Villeneuve Still Mystified at ‘Blade Runner 2049’s Disappointing Box Office
Villeneuve thinks a combination of the weird content and the length of the movie is what drove people away.