Adopt a Shelter Pet Day – 5 Reasons to Adopt from Roice-Hurst
Today, April 30, is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. Here's a look back at 40 years of Jordan family pets adopted from Grand Junction's Roice-Hurst Humane Society.
According to nationaldaycalendar.com, National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day raises awareness for thousands of pets that are waiting for (and needing) adoption from the shelters.

The Jordan Family Pets
The Jordan family adopted several family members from Grand Junction's Roice-Hurst Humane Society, going back as far as the late 1970s. The very first pet we adopted from Roice-Hurst was back in 1978. We adopted Yeti, the world's best lap dog with the world's biggest feet (hence the name).
Other adoptions quickly followed: Trouble and Bambi joined the Jordan clan in 1979. The last pet from Roice-Hurst to join us was Fluffy back in 2010. Check out the photo gallery at top.
Pets are Great for People of All Ages
In addition to the dogs joining our household, two dogs were adopted from Roice-Hurst for my grandparents. When my grandmother died in 2009, photos of her dogs were engraved on her headstone. Buddy (left) was adopted from Roice-Hurst in 2006, and Nana (right) in 2008.
Five Ways Life is Better When You Adopt a Shelter Pet
According to the Humane Society of the United States, these are the top reasons to adopt a pet:
- Because you'll save a life
- Because you'll get a great animal
- Because it’ll cost you less
- Because of the bragging rights- No one needs to see another selfie—unless it’s a selfie of you with the adorable pet you just adopted!
- Because it's one way to fight puppy mills
There is nothing like a shelter pet. They are the best friends you'll ever have. As a matter of fact, it is hard to imagine anything better than adopting a shelter pet. This National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, do yourself the biggest favor you can and add a new family member. Before long, it will be hard to imagine life without them.
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