12 Creepy Abandoned Places in Colorado You Should Never Visit
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The vast majority of people living their everyday lives most likely don't know about the following places, and have probably never been to any of them. We cannot stress enough, please do not try to find any of these places yourself, as not only is trespassing illegal, but visiting any of these places could be very dangerous as well.
Luckily, you can keep scrolling to take virtual tours of 12 creepy abandoned places in Colorado that you should never visit in real life.
Creepy Abandoned Places in Colorado You Should Never Visit

Some of the places on this list are old, abandoned homes. These homes have not been actually lived in for some time, although there are definite signs of life in the form of squatters.
Things found in these places include disturbing graffiti, headless dolls, nooses, and even blood.
In addition to the old, abandoned homes, there are other types of abandoned places like a ranch, an old restaurant, an old fun center, and an old factory/greenhouse. Each one of these places is completely trashed with signs of vandalism and other unsettling things.
We'll also visit a house that was allegedly the site of a murder and was built on a sacred burial ground, the land of a Colorado pioneer that is full of secret tunnels, and another tunnel filled with graffiti depicting cartoon-ish zombies.
Again, please don't attempt to visit these places in person, but keep scrolling to take a look at each one:
12 Creepy Abandoned Places in Colorado You Should Never Visit
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