Explorers Take Not-So-Safe Trip into Old Grand Junction Coal Mine
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Because of Colorado's rich history and history of mining, you'll find that there are plenty of old, abandoned mines all across the state. However, most of these mines are closed to the public, and for good reason.
In many cases, these abandoned mines are unsafe due to their compromised structural integrity, as well as the elements left behind from the glory days.
While it's definitely not recommended that you go in person, keep scrolling to check out an old abandoned coal mine in Grand Junction.
Abandoned Coal Mine in Grand Junction Colorado

A group of explorers recently took a trip through an abandoned coal mine near Grand Junction that they claim is 120 years old.
We don't know the exact location of the abandoned mine, and the owner of the YouTube channel on which the video was uploaded made sure not to disclose the location, saying the following:
I will not be giving out the location ! Dumb enough I got my friends involved I dont need anyone else risking it in my name ! this is the first and only time evan and I will be going in this specific mine and brandon says he wont be going back in either !
The mine has a gypsum-like substance throughout, as well as what appears to be a coal-like substance. Many of the wooden beams used to stabilize the mine's walls and ceilings are still in place, though not all of them.
Again, please do not attempt to explore this abandoned coal mine yourself, but you can take a virtual tour here:
Explorers Take Not-So-Safe Trip into Old Grand Junction Coal Mine
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