A Creative Way To Find a Job in Grand Junction
If you've done any job searching lately, you know that it can feel IMPOSSIBLE to find a new job in the Valley, depending on what you do. How many times have you applied for a job, only to find out that 500 people have applied for the same position? How are you supposed to compete with 499 other people with degrees and experience?
You may be familiar with the phrase "It's who you know." and I, myself, am a firm believer in that statement. If you have been tirelessly applying for a new job with no luck, consider getting yourself out there. I'm not just talking about endless online applications, or bothering employers at their places of business. I'm talking about networking.
Networking can be intimidating; especially for introverted types, or folks who are uncomfortable with social situations involving strangers. However, your livelihood depends on it. Let's get started! Here are three networking events/groups to get you started. Click the links for more information on the organizations' upcoming events.
1. Young Professionals Network of Mesa County offers unique opportunities and events that will help you connect.
2. Here is an event coming up THIS THURSDAY, September 8th: Beer and Business 2016
3. The Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce also provides resources for business opportunities. Check it out here.
But what will I say? What should I do? Some of the networking is fake-it-'til-you make it. Deep breath, head up, exude confidence. Stay tuned for more tips on how to succeed at networking and developing relationships that benefit your professional career.
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