A Colorado Kid Banks Over $1000 Selling Rocks
When I was 11 years old, I was collecting sports cards and other random stuff but I never had the financial shrewdness to do something like this young man down in Silverton is doing.
According to The Denver Channel, Kendrick Keene is making a killing out of selling polished rocks that he finds, collects, and hauls (about 50 pounds worth at a time on his wagon), then polishes and paints and sells to tourists near the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.

He sells his rocks for a couple hours a day and makes anywhere between $150 to $250 each day.
He's managed to rack up about $1100 over the past year and, talk about being a financial guru...this kid puts one-third in a checking account, one-third in a savings account and one-third in a Roth IRA. (I may need to hire him to be my financial advisor)
Kendrick has stated that he has a goal of being a millionaire by the age of 30 and if I was a betting man, I'd put my money on this young man.
Kendrick's dad, Jimmy Keene, says his son stops for ice cream before he makes any bank deposits each day.
I mean, with all of this work he's doing, a simple ice cream reward sounds pretty appropriate...and necessary.
Well done, Kendrick.